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Privacy notice

The Employment Fund carefully process personal data in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation and other legislation that is applicable to the Employment Fund's operations and in force, as well as the authorities' instructions on processing of personal data.

Each register at the Employment Fund has a privacy policy, where you can find more information about the processing of personal data. The privacy policy includes the purpose and legal basis of the data processing, the categories of personal data and the period for which the data will be stored among other things.

Unemployment insurance contributions privacy notice

Unemployment insurance contributions, restructuring protection fees, employer’s liability component, compensation pursuant to the Employment Contracts Act.

1. Controller

Employment Fund
P.O. Box 113
00181 Helsinki

2. Contact information regarding the data file

If you have any questions about data security matters, please contact the Employment Fund's data protection officer.

Data protection officer's contact information:
Email: tietosuoja@tyollisyysrahasto.fi
Tel.: +358 (0)9 6803 7380 (switchboard)
Postal address: Employment Fund, Data protection officer, P.O. Box 113, 00181 HELSINKI
Street address: Itämerenkatu 11 - 13, 00180 Helsinki

3. Purpose and legal basis of personal data processing

The operation of the Employment Fund is based on the Act (No. 555 of 1998) to finance unemployment benefits. Our duty is to impose and collect unemployment insurance contributions, restructuring protection fees and employers' liability components, and to supervise that the above obligations are fulfilled. Our further duty is, pursuant to chapter 12, section 3 of the Employment Contracts Act, to enforce contributions, and collect any related amount deductible from compensations that is payable to the Fund. Personal data processing is necessary in order to perform the Employment Fund's statutory duties and customer relationships (EU's General Data Protection Regulation, article 6, paragraph 1, subparagraph c).

Personal data in the data file may be used for the purposes of developing the Employment Fund’s services and operations, processing feedback, and for statistical purposes. Data collected from call recordings may be used for the purposes of verifying service transactions, develop customer service in the training of customer service personnel, and for service level assessments. (EU's General Data Protection Regulation, article 6, paragraph 1, subparagraph f).

4. Personal data categories to be processed

  • Identifying information: name and personal identity code
  • Contact information: telephone number and addresses
  • Financial information: pay and income information, employment relationship information, information about unemployment periods and benefits, and any other information on financial and social conditions
  • Phone conversations: the start and end time of the phone call, the caller’s phone number, the service number that was called, the name of the service specialist who answered the call, the content of the call
  • Information about special categories of personal data known as sensitive data: When dealing with employer's liability components and compensation issues pursuant to the Employment Contracts Act, for example, TVR may have access to, among other things, a person's health or trade union membership information.

5. Regular sources of data

In order to deal with unemployment insurance contributions, restructuring protection fees, employers' liability components and compensations pursuant to the Employments Contract Act, we will have access to documents and any other information submitted to the Fund by yourself, your representative or agent. To impose, collect and supervise unemployment insurance contributions and restructuring protection fees, and to impose and collect employers' liability components, the Fund is able to access the national Incomes Register (KATRE). Information is also obtained from the Population Register and the Business Information System. The Fund also has access to information necessary for the performance of its duties from employers, the Tax Administration, the Finnish Centre for Pensions, pension and insurance institutions, Kela, unemployment funds, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, KEHA Centre, and law courts.

We only request information that is necessary for us to do your work.

6. Storage period of personal data

We store your data for as long as necessary to fulfil our statutory duties, or as long as the law and regulations require.

The Employment Fund will keep an unemployment insurance register, containing personal data, in order to fulfil its statutory duties. Personal data in the unemployment insurance register will, as a rule, be stored for 5 years. However, in certain cases, documents must be stored for 10 years.

Documents and other information related to an employer’s liability component matters are stored 20 years from issuing the decision. Appeal documents must be stored for a minimum of 10 years, unless they have to be stored for a longer period of time due to the aforementioned or other reasons.

The documents necessary for the collection of unemployment insurance contributions, transition security contributions and liability components are stored until the end of the collection process and for five calendar years after that.

Documents and other information related to restructuring protection fees are stored for 10 years from the end of the calendar year following the decision.

Documents and other information related to compensation pursuant to the Employment Contract Act will be stored until 15 years have passed since the arrival of the first document in the case.

We retain recorded phone calls for two years.

7. Disclosure of personal data

We will disclose your data when another authority has the legal right to your data. We will disclose your personal data to, for example, the Tax Administration, Finnish Centre for Pensions, the Finnish Workers' Compensation Center, the Grey Economy Information Unit, appeal authorities and law courts. Moreover, to determine the amount of employer's liability components and compensation pursuant to the Employments Contract Act, the necessary personal data will be submitted to the employer in question. Personal data will also be disclosed to unemployment funds and TE offices.

Before disclosing any information, we will always check that the intended recipient is entitled to receive such information.

The Employment Fund also has external service providers to whom we disclose personal data. We only use service providers that fulfil the requirements of the EU General Data Protection Regulation and the national legislation concerning personal data processing. A GDPR-compliant agreement will be made with external service providers on personal data processing.

No data will be disclosed to a party outside the EU or EEA.

8. Automatic decisions

Provided certain conditions are met, the Employment Fund will issue automatic decisions on unemployment insurance contributions.

The Employment Fund will not engage in profiling.

9. Protection of personal data

The data security of the Employment Fund's personal data files and the confidentiality, integrity and usability of personal data is ensured with the appropriate technical and administrative measures. Data and the service is protected by means of, for example, firewalls, physical protection of data rooms, access control, user rights and encryption techniques, in addition to the above-mentioned active supervision. Personal data is protected from unauthorised access or illegally or accidentally occurring data processing. Manual material is stored in locked storage areas.

Personal data will only be processed by persons whose work duties authorise them to process such data and who work for the Employment Fund, and by third parties assigned by the Employment Fund to maintain or develop the services. Anyone processing personal data will log in to the systems with a personal user ID and password. The right to access the data file is restricted in the manner required by the job role. All of the people who use data on the file are bound by a non-disclosure agreement.

10. Rights of the data subject

The EU General Data Protection Regulation guarantees different rights to data subjects, i.e. the persons whose data are processed. It is possible to fulfil the rights in different ways depending on the basis of the personal data processing.

a) Right to access personal data
You have the right to access your personal data stored by the Employment Fund. However, your right to access your data may be restricted on the basis of legislation and other practices concerning privacy protection.

b) Right to have data corrected
You have the right to have your data corrected if it contains errors or is incomplete. Legislation may in some cases restrict your right to have corrections made.

c) Right to have data removed
You do not have the right to have your data removed inasmuch as your personal data is processed to fulfil the Fund's statutory obligations.

We also have a statutory obligation to store your data for a certain period.

d) Right to demand restricted processing
You do not have the right to restrict data processing inasmuch as your personal data is processed to fulfil the Fund's statutory obligations.

e) Right to transfer data from one system to another
You do not have the right to demand your data to be transferred from one system to another inasmuch as your personal data is processed to fulfil the Fund's statutory obligations.

f) Right to object to personal data processing
You do not have the right to object to processing of your data inasmuch as your personal data is processed to fulfil the Fund's statutory obligations.

You can make a request to access personal data or a request for rectification of personal data in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation on the online service for unemployment insurance contributions. Making a request requires a customer ship with the unemployment insurance contribution services.

In principle, the information on the data subject is provided free of charge. If the request for information is clearly groundless and unreasonable, especially if requests for information are made repeatedly, the Fund can charge the administrative costs caused by providing the information or refuse to provide information at all. In such a case, the Fund demonstrates that the request is clearly groundless and unreasonable.

11. Right to amend the content of the privacy notice

As the Employment Fund is continuously developing its services, we reserve the right to amend the content of the privacy notice as processing activities change. We may also amend the privacy notice as the result of changes in legal requirements. We recommend that you regularly revisit the contents of our privacy notice.

12. Right to make an appeal to supervisory authority

You have the right to make an appeal to the Data Protection Ombudsman if you consider that the processing of your personal data is in breach of the EU's General Data Protection Regulation.

Contact information of the Data Protection Ombudsman:

Benefit Services privacy notice

Processing of applications concerning adult education benefits and scholarships for qualified employees

1. Controller

Employment Fund
P.O. Box 113
00181 Helsinki

2. Contact information regarding the data file

If you have any questions about data security matters, please contact the Employment Fund's data protection officer.

Data protection officer's contact information:
Email: tietosuoja@tyollisyysrahasto.fi
Tel.: +358 (0)9 6803 7380 (switchboard)
Postal address: Employment Fund, Data protection officer, P.O. Box 113, 00181 Helsinki
Street address: Itämerenkatu 11 - 13, 00180 Helsinki

3. Purpose and legal basis of personal data processing

The operation of the Employment Fund is based on the Adult Education Assistance Act (Act 1276 of 2000). Personal data processing is necessary as part of the benefit service in order for the Employment Fund to perform its statutory obligations (EU's General Data Protection Regulation, article 6, section 1 c).

The benefit service processes personal data in the following situations:

  • when processing applications concerning adult education benefits and scholarships for qualified employees and when making benefit decisions
  • when an applicant applies for a decision made by the Employment Fund
  • when a benefit that has already been paid is collected back
  • when checking a lowering of business earnings related to an entrepreneur's adult education allowance
  • when checking completed courses by benefit recipients
  • when testing the benefits processing system in the system's test environment

Personal data in the data file may also be used for the purposes of developing the Employment Fund’s services and operations, processing feedback, and for statistical purposes. Data collected from call recordings may be used for the purposes of verifying service transactions, develop customer service in the training of customer service personnel, and for service level assessments. (EU's General Data Protection Regulation, article 6, section 1 f). You can withdraw your consent on the online service for adult student benefits.

4. Personal data categories to be processed

  • Identifying information: name and personal identity code
  • Contact information: telephone number and addresses
  • Education details: information related to educational institution and studies
  • Financial information: pay and income information, employment relationship information, bank details and any other information on financial and social conditions

5. Regular sources of data

The Employment Fund request the necessary information for applications concerning adult education allowance and scholarships for qualified employees primarily from the applicants themselves.

The Fund also has the right to access information needed for benefit processing from the Finnish Centre for Pensions, Kela, insurance institutions, the Tax Administration, and the applicant's employer and educational institution. From 1 January 2020 onwards the Employment Fund obtains information also from the national Incomes Register.

The Fund will only request information that is necessary for benefit processing. If the applicant fails to submit the necessary information, the application cannot be processed.

6. Storage period of personal data

Pursuant to section 14 of the Adult Education Assistance Act, recipients of adult education allowance have the right to the maximum duration of the allowance once during their working career. The Employment Fund must, in making benefit decisions, whether the applicant has previously received adult education allowance and how much of any allowance period still remains. This is why the data retention period for the record of allowance recipients and granted allowance rights is 100 years.

Pursuant to section 2 of the Adult Education Assistance Act, a scholarship for qualified employees may be granted in the form of a lump sum for someone who has completed a degree specified in the Vocational Education and Training Act (Act 531 of 2017). In making a decision, the Employment Fund must ensure that a person has not previously been granted a scholarship on the basis of a degree that is the subject of the application. This is why the data retention period for the record of scholarship recipients and completed degrees is 100 years.

7. Disclosure of personal data

The Employment Fund will disclose data related to benefits to the Finnish Centre for Pensions, Kela, the Tax Administration and from 1 January 2020 onwards the national Incomes Register, and in other situations when another authority has the legal right to your data. The Fund also discloses information about benefit recipients to Statistics Finland for statistical purposes. If a benefit applicant is appealing against a decision, the Fund will also disclose information to the social security appeal committee (samu.fi) or Insurance Court, whichever is acting as the appeal authority.

Before disclosing any information, the Fund will always check that the party requesting the information is actually entitled to receive it. No data will be disclosed to a party outside the EU or EEA.

The Employment Fund also has external service providers to whom we disclose personal data. We only use service providers that fulfil the requirements of the EU General Data Protection Regulation and the national legislation concerning personal data processing. A GDPR-compliant agreement will be made with external service providers on personal data processing.

If the decision on benefits cannot be served on the applicant by standard or verifiable service, for example because the applicant's address is unknown or he avoids service, the Fund is under Administrative Procedure Act ultimately entitled to serve as a service by publication. Service by publication is effected by keeping the document available for the addressee on the premises of the authority for a specified period. A notice of the availability of the document shall be published on the fund's website and will include the client's full name, date of decision and application/decision number.

8. Automated decision-making

As of 1 August 2020, the Employment Fund can automatically process some benefit applications without an employee of the Fund actively participating in making the benefit decision. Automated decision-making is always based on the customer’s explicit consent. (EU General Data Protection Regulation, article 22, section 2 c). Consent will be asked about in the electronic communication service when applications are filed, and can be withdrawn your consent at any time on the online service for adult student benefits.

The staff of the Employment Fund will still manually process the applications of all customers that have not provided consent to automated decision-making, as well as all initial applications and other applications that are not suitable for automated processing.

The Employment Fund will not engage in profiling.

The Content Manager of the Employment Fund's adult education benefits service is responsible for the correctness of the decisions made automatically. Decisions on groups of applications to be processed automatically fall under the responsibility of the Service Manager in charge for the adult education benefit processes.

If you have any questions about automatic decisions, you can contact the Employment Fund’s Content Manager of adult education benefits: koulutusetuudet@tyolliyysrahasto.fi. In the subject line of the e-mail, type ”Question about automatic decision”. You can also call +358 (0)9 6803 7380 (switchboard). You can send mail to the Employment Fund, Benefits for Adult Students / Content Manager, P.O. Box 191, 00121 HELSINKI. The Employment Fund is located at Itämerenkatu 11 - 13, 00180 Helsinki.

9. Protection of personal data

The data file containing personal data can only be accessed by Employment Fund staff or a third party assigned by the Fund to maintain or develop the services, having a personal user ID and password and individually defined user rights. Any viewing or modification of data file content will result in a log entry. Data is stored in databases and storage systems separated with a firewall from the public network. Entry into the systems from the public network is arranged in a secure manner. Databases and their backups are stored in locked premises that can only be accessed by designated administrators. Any confidential information sent through the public network is encrypted in a way that fulfils data security requirements.

10. Rights of the data subject

The EU General Data Protection Regulation guarantees different rights to data subjects, i.e. the persons whose data are processed. It is possible to fulfil the rights in different ways depending on the basis of the personal data processing.

a) Right to access personal data
Employment Fund customers have the right to access their personal data stored by the Employment Fund. The Fund will send a customer a copy of their personal data processed by the Fund upon request.

b) Right to have data corrected
Employment Fund customers can demand any incorrect or insufficient personal data concerning themselves to be corrected.

c) Right to have data removed
An Employment Fund customer may require that information pertaining to them be deleted only to the extent that the retention of the information is not based on the Employment Fund’s compliance with its statutory obligations.

d) Right to demand restricted processing
The right of an Employment Fund customer to require the restriction of the processing of personal data is restricted by the Adult Education Assistance Act. However, the customer may exercise their right if they notice the Employment Fund processing or storing their personal data in violation of law but do not wish their data to be immediately removed.

e) Right to transfer data from one system to another
The Employment Fund processes personal data as part of its statutory obligations in the capacity of a controller. This is why customers cannot demand that their personal data be transferred to another system.

f) Right to object to personal data processing
Employment Fund customers cannot object to their personal data from being processed inasmuch as the Fund performs its statutory obligations.

You can make a request to access personal data or a request for rectification of personal data in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation on the online service for adult student benefits. Making a request requires a customer ship with the adult student benefits.

In principle, the information on the data subject is provided free of charge. If the request for information is clearly groundless and unreasonable, especially if requests for information are made repeatedly, the Fund can charge the administrative costs caused by providing the information or refuse to provide information at all. In such a case, the Fund demonstrates that the request is clearly groundless and unreasonable.

11. Right to amend the content of the privacy notice

As the Employment Fund is continuously developing its services, we reserve the right to amend the content of the privacy notice as processing activities change. We may also amend the privacy notice as the result of changes in legal requirements. We recommend that you regularly revisit the contents of our privacy notice.

12. Right to make an appeal to the Data Protection Ombudsman

You have the right to make an appeal to the Data Protection Ombudsman if you consider that the processing of your personal data is in breach of the EU's General Data Protection Regulation.

Contact information of the Data Protection Ombudsman:

Privacy Statement Applying to Applicants for Positions at The Employment Fund

1. Data controller

Employment Fund
PO Box 113
00181 Helsinki, Finland

2. Contact details for matters concerning the register

If you have any questions about data protection, please contact the Employment Fund’s Data Protection Officer.

Contact details for the Data Protection Officer:
Email: tietosuoja@tyollisyysrahasto.fi
Tel: +358 9 6803 7380 (switchboard)
Postal address: Employment Fund, Data Protection Officer, PO Box 113, 00181 HELSINKI, Finland.
Visiting address: Itämerenkatu 11 - 13, 00180 Helsinki, Finland.

3. Purpose of processing personal data and legal basis

Information on job applicants is collected during targeted and open recruitment processes for the purpose of conducting recruitment and related measures, such as comparing applicants.

The processing of personal data is based on the implementation of agreements or the implementation of pre-contractual measures in accordance with Article 6 (1) (b) of the General EU Data Protection Regulation (2016/679).

4. Categories of personal data processed

  • Identifying data: name and date of birth
  • Contact details: phone number and addresses
  • Data related to the job application and curriculum vitae, such as work experience, education and competences
  • Recruitment video, when using a video tool for recruitment
  • Information from the recruitment interview as required to make a recruitment decision, as well as any information that may be received from personal evaluations
  • Any other information provided by the applicant

5. Regular data sources

The primary source of the data stored on the file is the job applicant himself/herself. In addition, data is compiled from information saved during the hiring process. Other data sources are used within the limits provided by law.

6. Retention period for personal data

Personal data is retained for six months after the end of the recruitment process, taking into consideration the period for bringing legal action as defined in the law and the maximum retention period for applications.

Recruitment videos will be stored on RecRight for one (1) year.

7. Disclosure of personal data

The Employment Fund uses, if necessary, external service providers to process the data, e.g. the video service provider and the body conducting aptitude tests.

We only use service providers that fulfil the requirements of the EU General Data Protection Regulation and the national legislation concerning personal data processing. A GDPR-compliant agreement will be made with external service providers on personal data processing.

Personal data is not disclosed or transferred outside the EU or EEA.

8. Automatic decisions

The processing of your personal data does not include automatic decision-making.

9. Protection of personal data

The information security of the Employment Fund’s personal data file and the confidentiality, integrity and accessibility of personal data are assured using appropriate technical and administrative measures. The service and data are protected by means such as firewalls, protection of the physical hardware rooms, access management, user access rights and encryption, as well as via active monitoring of the foregoing. Personal data is protected from unauthorised access and unlawful or accidental data processing. Manual material is stored in locked storage areas.

Personal data is only processed by people who are authorised to process it in the course of their working duties and who are employed by the Employment Fund, as well as third parties commissioned by the Employment Fund to maintain or develop services. The people who process personal data are required to sign in to systems using personal user IDs and passwords. The right to access the data file is restricted in the manner required by the job role. All of the people who use data on the file are bound by a non-disclosure agreement.

10. Rights of data subjects

You are entitled to receive information about the data that the Employment Fund is holding on you, request that your data be corrected if data on you is incorrect or incomplete, and demand that your data be deleted.

You are also entitled to transfer data from one system to another. In other words, you are entitled to receive the personal data on you and transfer it to a different controller. In addition, you are entitled to request restrictions on the processing of personal data and object to the processing of personal data.

Requests to exercise the foregoing rights should be sent to the Data Protection Officer.

In principle, the information on the data subject is provided free of charge. If the request for information is clearly groundless and unreasonable, especially if requests for information are made repeatedly, the Fund can charge the administrative costs caused by providing the information or refuse to provide information at all. In such a case, the Fund demonstrates that the request is clearly groundless and unreasonable.

11. Right to file a complaint with the supervising authority

You are entitled to file a complaint with the supervising authority if you consider the EU General Data Protection Regulation to have been breached when personal data was processed.

Contact details for the Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman:

Privacy statement– stakeholder work register

1.   Controller

Name: Employment Fund
Postal address: P.O. Box 113, 00181 Helsinki, Finland
Telephone: +358 (0)9 6803 7380 (switchboard)

Registry contact person

Managing Director, Janne Metsämäki
Postal address: P.O. Box 113, 00181 Helsinki, Finland
Email address: kirjaamo@tyollisyysrahasto.fi
Telephone: +358 (0)9 6803 7380 (switchboard)

2.   Data Protection Officer

Data Protection Officer
Postal address: P.O. Box 113, 00181 Helsinki, Finland
Email address: tietosuoja@tyollisyysrahasto.fi
Telephone: +358 (0)9 6803 7380 (switchboard)

3.   Purpose and legal basis for processing of personal data

Employment Fund processes personal data collected to the stakeholder work register so that it can comply with the obligation to report information to the Finnish Transparency Register. Lobbying activities targeting Parliament and ministries are reported to the Finnish Transparency Register.

In addition to reporting the information to the Finnish Transparency Register, we also use the information in our own stakeholder cooperation.

The personal data is processed on the basis of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller (Article 6(1)(f) of the General Data Protection Regulation of the EU).

4. Personal data processed for the stakeholder work register

The following personal data is processed for the stakeholder work register: Name, title, organisation/unit/department/group

5.  Sources of personal data

Personal data is collected from public information sources (such as websites) and on the basis of bilateral contacts.

6.  Disclosures, recipients and transfers of personal data

Employment Fund discloses the information listed in section 4 to the Finnish Transparency Register maintained by the National Audit Office of Finland in accordance with general timetables twice a year: lobbying activities carried out in January–June are disclosed in July–August, and the lobbying activities carried out in July–December are disclosed in January–February.

Individual persons are named if the lobbying has targeted Members of Parliament, ministers, State Secretaries and special advisers appointed for ministers’ terms of office, Secretary-General and Deputy Secretary-General of Parliament, ministries’ Permanent Secretaries, Permanent Under-Secretaries and heads of department, or rapporteurs appointed by ministries.

Other public officials are not separately named. For other public officials of the Parliamentary Office, name of the committee, department and unit, or other corresponding part of the organisation is given. For parliamentary assistants and parliamentary group personnel, the name of the parliamentary group is given. For ministries’ other public officials, the name of the department and unit is given.

In addition to personal details, the lobbying targets, reasons for the contacts and methods of contact are also given in the disclosure of operations.

Employment Fund uses external service providers in the processing of the personal data and is responsible for the activities of the service providers that it has selected when personal data is processed. System suppliers are used as service providers.

No personal data is transferred outside the EU or the EEA.

7. Automated decision-making and profiling

No automated decisions or profiling are made on the basis of the data.

8. Personal data storage period

Information concerning stakeholder cooperation is stored in Employment Fund for ten years.

9. Protection of personal data

Employment Fund processes personal data in a secure manner and in accordance with the legislation in force. Access to the stakeholder work register is restricted by means of access rights, and the persons involved in stakeholder cooperation are bound by a duty of professional secrecy.

Employment Fund has taken all appropriate technical and administrative measures to protect personal data against accidental or unlawful loss, disclosure, misuse, alteration, destruction or unauthorised access by using such means as the protection of hardware and files and access restrictions.

10. Rights of the data subject

The data subject has

•    the right of access to their own personal data;
•    the right to request the correction or supplementation of inaccurate or incomplete personal data on them;
•    the right to request the erasure of personal data or restriction on the processing of personal data; and
•    the right to object to the processing of personal data for a specific personal reason.

The data subject has the right to submit a complaint to the supervisory authority (in Finland, to the Data Protection Ombudsman) if the data subject considers that the data protection legislation has been violated in the processing of the personal data.

Contact details of the Data Protection Ombudsman: tietosuoja@om.fi, tel. +358 (0)29 566 6777, https://tietosuoja.fi/en/home

If you wish to exercise your rights, please contact the registry contact person mentioned in section 2 for further instructions.

Whistleblowing channel privacy notice

1. Controller  

Name: Employment Fund 

Postal address: PO Box 113, 00181 Helsinki, Finland 

Telephone: +358 (0)9 6803 7380 (switchboard) 

2. Registry contact person  

Compliance Officer 

Postal address: PO Box 113, 00181 Helsinki, Finland 

Email address: compliance@tyollisyysrahasto.fi 

Telephone: +358 (0)9 6803 7380 (switchboard) 

3. Data Protection Officer 

Data Protection Officer 

Postal address: PO Box 113, 00181 Helsinki, Finland 

Email address: tietosuoja@tyollisyysrahasto.fi 

Telephone: +358 (0)9 6803 7380 (switchboard) 

4. Purpose and legal basis of the processing of personal data 

The Employment Fund’s whistleblowing channel has been established as a channel in which one can report suspected wrongdoing concerning activities against the law or the Employment Fund’s Code of Conduct.  

Processing of personal data is based on compliance with the statutory obligations of the Employment Fund, such as the Act on the Protection of Persons Reporting Infringements of European Union and National Law (Whistleblower Act) and the Securities Markets Act, the general interest of the Employment Fund in the performance of its statutory task and the legitimate interest of the Employment Fund in the processing of violations of the Code of Conduct.  

5. Personal data processed under the whistleblowing scheme 

Reports on wrongdoing can be submitted by employees of the Employment Fund and persons belonging to stakeholders. The reports may also contain personal data on persons other than the whistleblower. The reports can be submitted anonymously, in which case no personal data on the whistleblower will be processed. 

Depending on the content of the report, the following personal data is processed under the scheme:  

  • name and contact details of the whistleblower; 
  • personal data on the subject of the report (such as the name and the job title) and the details of the other persons concerned; 
  • any other information provided by the whistleblower (This information may also contain sensitive personal data);
  • any information arising during the investigation of the case. This may include the information needed in the investigation of the alleged wrongdoing, such as information on the employment relationship, audit data, information contained in the reports submitted by third parties and the login data; and
  • the information on the employees processing the report kept for the investigation.  

Personal data clearly irrelevant for the investigation of the case contained in the report are deleted without undue delay. 

6. Sources of personal data 

Personal data is primarily collected from the whistleblower. During the investigation, necessary personal data can also be obtained from the other information systems of the Employment Fund and from third parties.  

7. Disclosures and recipients of personal data and transfers of personal data 

Personal data may be disclosed to the authorities as permitted and obligated by the legislation in force.  

The Employment Fund uses external service providers in the processing of the personal data and is responsible for the activities of the service providers that it has selected when personal data is processed. The following parties are used as service providers: 

  • Provider of information system services: WhistleB Whistleblowing Centre Ab. 

Personal data may be transferred outside the EU and the EEA. When personal data is transferred outside the EU and the EEA, the transfer takes place using the standard contractual clauses of the European Commission or other lawful transfer mechanisms.  

8. Automated decision-making and profiling  

No automated decisions or profiling are made on the basis of the data. 

9. Storage period of personal data 

Information received through the whistleblowing channel is stored as long as it is necessary for the investigation of the reports. However, the information is kept for a maximum of five years, unless the storing is necessary for the exercise of the rights or obligations laid down in the Whistleblower Act or elsewhere in the law or for the preparation, presentation or defence of a legal claim. Personal data that is not clearly relevant to the processing of the report is deleted without undue delay.  

10. Protection of personal data 

The Employment Fund processes personal data in a secure manner and in accordance with the legislation in force. Access to the reports is restricted by means of access rights, and the persons processing the reports are bound by a duty of professional secrecy.  

The Employment Fund has taken all appropriate technical and administrative measures to protect personal data against accidental or unlawful loss, disclosure, misuse, alteration, destruction or unauthorised access by using such means as the protection of hardware and files and access restrictions.  

11. Rights of the data subject 

As a rule, the data subject has 

  • the right of access to their own personal data;
  • the right to request the correction or supplementation of inaccurate or incomplete personal data on them;
  • the right to request the erasure of personal data or restriction on the processing of personal data; and
  • the right to object to the processing of personal data for a specific personal reason. 

The data subject’s right of access to the data can be restricted with regard to personal data reported under the Whistleblower Act if it is necessary and proportionate to ensure the investigation concerning the accuracy of the report and to protect the identity of the whistleblower. In such cases, the data subject has the right to be informed of the reasons for any restriction and to request that the data should be provided to the Data Protection Ombudsman in accordance with section 34, subsections 3 and 4 of the Data Protection Act.  

With regard to the reports submitted under the Whistleblower Act, the data subject does not have the right to restrict the processing of their personal data. 

The data subject has the right to submit a complaint to the supervisory authority (in Finland, with the Data Protection Ombudsman) if the data subject considers that the data protection legislation has been violated in the processing of the personal data. Contact details of the Data Protection Ombudsman: tietosuoja@om.fi, tel. +358 (0)29 566 6777, Home | Data Protection Ombudsman’s Office (tietosuoja.fi)

If you wish to exercise your rights, please contact the registry contact person mentioned in section 2 for further instructions.  

Data protection officer's contact information

Employment Fund Data protection officer

P.O. Box 113, 00181 Helsinki
Tel. 09 680 373 80 (switchboard)

Document publicity description

The Employment Fund maintains and publishes a document publicity description based on section 28 of the Act on Information Management in Public Administration (906/2019, “Information Management Act”), the purpose of which is to

  • provide citizens with a general description of information management in the Employment Fund’s case registers and services; and
  • help citizens to address their requests for information to the appropriate authority and
  • to identify the content of the request according to the Act on the Openness of Government Activities (621/1999).

The document publicity description has been updated on 28th of December 2022.

The case register is a register of pending cases, their processing stages and documents. The Employment Fund case register consists of the following case registers:

Administrative case register

Description: Matters that are essential for the operation of the Employment Fund, such as complaints and requests for evidence received by the Employment Fund, requests for information, requests for statements, procurement contracts and requests for appointment, are recorded in the Employment Fund’s administrative case register. Administrative matters are given a unique case identifier.

Case register of unemployment insurance contributions

Description: Documents concerning the imposition, collection and supervision of unemployment insurance contributions, such as decisions, invoices and customer messages, are registered in the case register of unemployment insurance contributions.

Case register of the terminating employer’s restructuring protection fees

Description: For the purpose of imposing a restructuring protection fee, the relevant documents, such as hearing letters, decisions, information retrieved from the national incomes register and filing notifications by the unemployment fund or the Social Insurance Institution of Finland, and customer messages, are registered in the Employment Fund’s case register.

Case register of the employer’s liability component

Description: For the purpose of imposing a liability component, the relevant documents, such as hearing letters, decisions and customer messages, are registered in the Employment Fund’s case register.

Reduction in unemployment cover in connection with disputes concerning the termination of an employment relationship

Description: For the implementation of disputes concerning the termination of an employment relationship and reconciliation in accordance with the Employment Contracts Act , the Employment Fund’s case register contains documents concerning the end of employment dispute, such as court judgments or decisions, statements to courts, requests for agreement comments and final agreements as well as customer messages.

Case register of adult education benefits

Description: Documents concerning the granting, payment and collection of adult education benefits, such as decisions, applications, hearing letters, information retrieved from the national incomes register, filing notifications by the Social Insurance Institution of Finland and customer messages, are registered in the case register of adult education benefits.

Data repositories consist of extensive data sets that are logically or physically connected. The Employment Fund’s data repositories include:

  • A data repository for adult education benefits
  • A customer data repository
  • A data repository for case management
  • A data repository for restructuring protection fees
  • A data repository for liability components
  • A data repository for procurement contracts
  • An disputes concerning the termination of an employment relationship and reconciliation in accordance with the Employment Contracts Act data repository
  • A data repository for the financing of unemployment benefits
  • A data repository for unemployment insurance contributions

Data sets consists of documents and other information related to a particular service or task. The data sets in the data repositories consist of, for example, the following information:

  • Case management information
  • Customer messages
  • Application information
  • Processing information
  • Invoicing information
  • Payment information
  • Decision information
  • Contract information

The following search criteria may be used to search for data in data repositories and case registers:

  • Customer name
  • Personal identity code
  • Business ID
  • Case number
  • Decision number
  • Customer number
  • Company name
  • Contract number
  • Invoice number

The Employment Fund’s information systems include:

  • Information systems for adult education benefits
  • Administrative information systems
  • Information systems for unemployment insurance contributions
  • Information systems for liability components
  • Information systems for restructuring protection
  • Invoicing information systems

You may submit a request for information on a document to the Employment Fund in the following ways:

  • By sending a request through our e-services
  • By sending a request by e-mail
  • By telephone
  • By sending a request by post

Find our contact information by service here.

How will your request for information be processed?

We will process requests for information under the Act on the Openness of Government Activities without delay, at the latest within two weeks of the request. If the request for information is extensive and requires more work than usual, the response time may not exceed one month. If the Employment Fund does not provide the requested information, the requestor will receive a written decision prepared by the Employment Fund, which will allow the requestor to lodge an appeal.

Section 22f of the Employment Fund Act (Act on the Financing of Unemployment Benefits 555/1998, “Financing Act”) contains a special provision on the application of the Act on the Openness of Government Activities (621/1999, “Openness Act”) to operations laid down in the Financing Act. The Openness Act applies to the operations of the Employment Fund to the extent that the Employment Fund exercises public authority (section 4, subsection 2 of the Openness Act) Information may be public, partly confidential and confidential. Confidentiality is always based on legislation, such as the secrecy clause of the Openness Act (section 24 of the Openness Act). The Financing Act also contains special provisions on secrecy (section 22f of the Financing Act).

Where can I find more information?

For more information on requests for information under the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679), see sections above.


The Employment Fund's public online services use cookies to record visitor statistics of the online services and to develop the web pages and their contents. A cookie is a small text file that an internet browser stores on a user's device. Cookies do not affect the use of the device or files. You can change your cookie settings or delete previously saved cookies from your browser freely at any time. You can read more about cookies on the website of the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency.

Some of the cookies we use are necessary and enable us to operate our online service. Some cookies are non-essential cookies set by third-party services on our website, for which we request consent with a cookie banner when you first visit the site (React & Share).  

React & Share

We are track the usefulness of website content with the per-page React & Share feedback feature. More information about  React & Share function.

Cookie declaration

Accessibility review

Accessibility refers to the same concept in digital services as it does in the physical world. In the Web Accessibility Directive, accessibility refers to the concept of websites, mobile applications and their content being usable by and understandable to everyone.

Such principles, techniques and methods that ensure accessibility of services on different terminal and assistive devices should be used when designing digital services.

In practice, technical accessibility requirements are based on WCAG 2.1 guidelines (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines), as applicable. WCAG 2.1 is a international technical guideline on how to implement accessibility in online services. WCAG criteria has been divided into three levels of conformance: A, AA and AAA. The requirements of the Web Accessibility Directive are based on level A and AA criteria.

Accessibility review of the Employment Fund

This accessibility statement concerns the Employment Fund’s website at www.tyollisyysrahasto.fi and was prepared on 12 August 2019. The accessibility of this digital service was assessed by the Employment Fund (content) Innofactor Oy (technical implementation) and Viestintätoimisto Kumppania Oy (colours). The website was published on 1 January 2019.

State of the accessibility of digital service

The Employment Fund’s website fulfils critical A & AA accessibility requirements.

Non-accessible content of digital service

Defects in content
Difficult terms in the text and defects caused by a human error.
PDF publications on the Investors page (including annual and semi-annual reports) published before September 23rd 2018 have not been prepared according to accessibility requirements.

Inaccessible content and its defects
The Employment Fund wants to create accessible content for its website, including comprehensible text. We seek to write clear text about our topic areas. Sometimes comprehensibility is impaired by difficult terms, which are based on law. We try to explain their meaning as clearly as possible.

The Investors page contains (among another things) the annual and semi-annual reports of the two former funds for the past 10 years in PDF format (the current Employment Fund was created by the merger of the Unemployment Insurance Fund and the Education Fund on 1 January 2019). According to the view requested from Regional State Administrative Agency, the PDF files published on or after September 23rd 2018 had to be made accessible in accordance to the Web Accessibility Directive.

Please contact us if you notice defects in the accessibility of content (see contact details below). We are constantly developing the content of our website.

How can the information/servece be accessed by alternative means?
In addition to out website, you can access the necessary information by calling or sending e-mail to our customer service. If have questions about unemployment insurance contributions, you can also contact our online customer service.

Benefits for adult students: +358 75 757 0505 (local network rate/mobile phone rate) between 9 a.m. and 12 noon on weekdays.
Unemployment insurance contributions: +358 75 757 0500 (local network rate/mobile phone rate) between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. on weekdays.
Switchboard: +358 9 6803 7380 (local network rate/mobile phone rate) between 9 a.m. and 4.15 p.m. on weekdays.

Send e-mail to
Benefits for adult students: koulutusetuudet@tyollisyysrahasto.fi
Unemployment insurance contributions: vakuutusmaksut@tyollisyysrahasto.fi

We recommend that you send any e-mails containing confidential information over a secure connection at https://secure.tyollisyysrahasto.fi/

The Employment Fund’s online service for unemployment insurance contributions is available at:

Did you notice an accessibility defect in our digital service? Tell us about the defect and we will do our best to correct it

Send e-mail to

Switchboard: +358 9 6803 7380 / ask to connect to the communication expert

Supervisory authority

If you notice accessibility problems on the website, first send feedback to the website administrator. It may take 14 days until you receive a reply. If you do not get a reply within two weeks or are not satisfied with it, you can send the feedback to the Southern Finland Regional State Administrative Agency. The website of the Southern Finland Regional State Administrative Agency contains detailed information on how to file a complaint and how the matter is processed.

Supervisory authority’s contact details
Accessibility supervision unit
E-mail: saavutettavuus(at)avi.fi
Telephone: switchboard +358 295 016 000
www.saavutettavuusvaatimukset.fi (in Finnish)

Further information on filing an accessibility complaint, for example: https://www.saavutettavuusvaatimukset.fi/oikeutesi/ (in Finnish)


We constantly work to improve accessibility.

Accessibility statement of the Employment Fund’s online service for unemployment insurance contributions

This accessibility statement the online service for unemployment insurance contributions and was prepared on 12 August 2019. The information in this statement is based on self-assessment. The online service was published on 15 October 2018.

State of the accessibility of digital service

Digital service meets the accessibility requirements for the most part.

Non-accessible content of digital service

Technical defects
Use of screen reader programs and voice control

Inaccessible content and it´s defects
There are defects in marking contents and structure in HTML semantics, so the service is not fully available with the service user’s screen reader programs.

How can the information/service be accessed by alternative means?
You can receive the necessary information by calling or sending e-mail to our customer service.

+358 75 757 0500 (local network rate/mobile phone rate) between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. on weekdays.
Switchboard: +358 9 6803 7380 (local network rate/mobile phone rate) between 9 a.m. and 4.15 p.m. on weekdays.

Send e-mail to

We recommend that you send any e-mails containing confidential information over a secure connection at https://secure.tyollisyysrahasto.fi/

Accessibility requirements not fulfilled
There are defects in the implementation of text-to-speech, i.e. the service is not fully available to visually impaired service users who use a text-to-speech program.

Reason for non-compliance
Implementing the change in the existing service would impose an unreasonable strain on the service provider’s activities. The function is both laborious and expensive to implement, considering the nature and scope of the service provider’s activities. The information/services can also easily be offered to the service user by phone or via other service channels.

Defects in content
PDF documents

Inaccessible content and it´s defects
The service contains decisions and invoices in PDF format. The documents are clear and comprehensible.

The comprehensibility of the text in the service is constantly being developed.

How can the information/service be accessed by alternative means?
PDF documents are also delivered to the service user by mail or appended to an e-invoice. They can also be printed.

You can receive the necessary information by calling or sending e-mail to our customer service.

+358 75 757 0500 (local network rate/mobile phone rate) between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. on weekdays.
Switchboard: +358 9 6803 7380 (local network rate/mobile phone rate) between 9 a.m. and 4.15 p.m. on weekdays.

Send e-mail to

We recommend that you send any e-mails containing confidential information over a secure connection at https://secure.tyollisyysrahasto.fi/

Accessibility requirements not fulfilled
The decision documents are in PDF format, which may impair accessibility for service users with impaired visibility.

Reason for non-compliance
For information security and cost reasons, the decision documents cannot be converted to another format.


Did you notice an accessibility defect in our digital service? Tell us about the defect and we will do our best to correct it

Send e-mail to

Switchboard: +358 9 6803 7380 / ask to connect to service development


Supervisory authority

If you notice accessibility problems on the website, first send feedback to the website administrator. It may take 14 days until you receive a reply. If you do not get a reply within two weeks or are not satisfied with it, you can send the feedback to the Southern Finland Regional State Administrative Agency. The website of the Southern Finland Regional State Administrative Agency contains detailed information on how to file a complaint and how the matter is processed.

Supervisory authority’s contact details
Accessibility supervision unit
E-mail: saavutettavuus(at)avi.fi
Telephone: switchboard +358 295 016 000
www.saavutettavuusvaatimukset.fi (in Finnish)

Further information on filing an accessibility complaint, for example:
https://www.saavutettavuusvaatimukset.fi/oikeutesi/ (in Finnish)


We constantly work to improve accessibility!

Accessibility in the online service for adult student benefits

This accessibility statement concerns the online service for adult student benefits and was prepared on 17 August 2021 and last updated on 8 April 2022. The accessibility of the online service has been assessed by the Employment Fund in cooperation with an external expert on accessibility.

The online service was published on 1 August 2020.

State of the accessibility of digital service

The digital service does not meet most of the critical A & AA accessibility requirements (WCAG 2.1). The online service is an entity consisting of technically separate applications of different ages, which is why the accessibility of the service varies from one area of the service to another.

Non-accessible content of digital service

Listed below is the content that is not yet accessible:

  • The initial application for adult education allowance and follow-up application
  • Payment application for adult education allowance
  • Sending and receiving a message

The following shortcomings are repeated in the contents identified above:

Problem identified WCAG Schedule for repair

The keyboard cannot be used to navigate to the selections of the application.

2.1.1 (A)

By 31 December 2022

There are shortcomings in the headers that make it difficult to use the service.

Heading styles are not separated from structural headers.

1.3.1 (A)
2.4.6 (AA)
By 31 December 2022

PDF files

The closing documents are in PDF format. This may impair accessibility for service users with impaired visibility.

  By 31 December 2022

How can the information/service be accessed by alternative means?

If you are unable to use the online service, you can contact us in other ways. You can contact the fund's customer service or visit our office on site.

075 757 0505 (local network rate/mobile phone rate) between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. on weekdays
Switchboard: 09 6803 7380 (local network rate/mobile phone rate) between 9 a.m. and 4.15 p.m. on weekdays

Send e-mail to

We recommend that you send any e-mails containing confidential information over a secure connection at https://secure.tyollisyysrahasto.fi/

Did you notice an accessibility defect in our digital service? 

Please let us know if there are any accessibility deficiencies and we will do our best to address the deficiency.

Send e-mail to

Switchboard: 09 6803 7380 / ask to connect to a benefit specialist (etuusasiantuntija)

Supervisory authority

If you notice accessibility problems on the website, first send feedback to the website administrator. It may take 14 days until you receive a reply. If you do not get a reply within two weeks or are not satisfied with it, you can send the feedback to the Southern Finland Regional State Administrative Agency. The website of the Southern Finland Regional State Administrative Agency contains detailed information on how to file a complaint and how the matter is processed.

Supervisory authority’s contact details

Accessibility supervision unit
E-mail: saavutettavuus(at)avi.fi
Telephone: switchboard 0295 016 000

More information on the conclusion of an accessibility, among other things: https://www.saavutettavuusvaatimukset.fi/oikeutesi/ (in Finnish)

We constantly work to improve accessibility!

Page updated: 5/10/2023